Unearthing the Journey of Indonesia Coal

Indonesia Coal

Indonesia Coal refers to the highest quality and high calorific value coal that is used across myriad industries in different countries. Indonesian Coal is chemically analyzed to contain lower carbon (C) with small proportions of sulfur (S) and other ingredients. As a result, it contributes to reduced emissions during combustion compared to higher sulfur-content coals from other regions. In addition to electricity generation, it serves as a fuel in industries such as cement factories, paper mills as well as in heating systems yet it has relatively low ash content.

Jay Ganesh is  a renowned mining, manufacturing and supply firm specializing in Indonesian Coal of super standard quality. Therefore, our five mining sites are well placed to provide a steady supply of the product while maintaining quality to a diverse client base. Our experience in mining and processing ensures coal of high quality; reliable and efficient as a fuel in power stations, steel production and heating systems industries.

Key Features

  • High Calorific Value
  • Low Sulfur and Ash Content
  • Low Moisture Content
  • Diverse Grades

From Mines to Markets

Everyday Uses of Minerals

Electricity Generation

Synthetic Natural Gas Production

Production of Fertilizer

Steel Manufacturing

Cement Production

Coal-to-Liquid (CTL) Technology

Chemical Production

Industrial Heating

Technical Specifications


Net Calorific Value (ARB) (KCAL/KG) 4000 TO 6000
Total Moisture (ARB) (%) 20 TO 35
Inherent Moisture (ARB) (%) 10 TO 25
Volatile Matter (ARB) (%) 38 TO 42
Ash (ARB) (%) 5 TO 15
Fixed Carbon (ARB) (%) 40 TO 44
Total Sulphur (ARB) (%) 0.6 TO 0.9
Hardgrove Grindability Index 40 TO 45
AFT (IDT Reducing) (DEG C)  1150 TO 1300
Size (0 - 100 MM) (%) 90 TO 95

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user Mr. RAJESH
+91 99130 87000
user Mr. JIGNESH
+91 89800 70055
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